Can this really be the Catholic church itself espousing violence over something as silly as a movie
iWon News: Christians must not just sit back and say it is enough for us to forgive and to forget," Arinze said in the documentary made by Rome film maker Mario Biasetti for Rome Reports, a Catholic film agency specializing in religious affairs.
"'Those who blaspheme Christ and get away with it are exploiting the Christian readiness to forgive and to love even those who insult us. There are some other religions which if you insult their founder they will not be just talking. They will make it painfully clear to you,' Arinze said."
As I said earlier I think the religions of the world have missed the point we are here to get along, to help eachother
and the christians should be grateful that the movie only suggests he married and had children. Given the churches version of his never knowing a woman and hanging out pretty much exclusivily with men the book could have attempted to show he was in fact Gay. Since during Jesus' time 35 was fairly well into old age and the idea of not being married or ever knowing a women was probaly pretty much unheard of in those days as is was in todays a fairly good case for homosexuality could have been made.
So lighten up forgive and go on its not like God or Allah or whomever you believe made the world really needs our help to provide justice on their own. The idea that God needs our help to kill people is as ludicris and the Catholic and fundamentalist views against birthcontrol. How can a God who creates an entire universe and everything in it be stopped by a pill or a condom made by man.
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