Just when you thought you'd heard it all!/Kelly sucks
Apparently my poor house keeping is the cause of Kelly's depression. (I'd say more about it but at the moment I have nothing to say) After I had thought about it I walked back into the room and started laughing like a mad woman. Well the psychic friends net work says that Kelly won't leave me unless I cheat on him so I've decided to demand consideration. Finally worked up the nerve to tell him that it was pretty shitty of him to make me go get my biopsy results alone and even shittier to back out on babysitting the boys for me while I was at the Dr. So of course he felt the need to share with me that my poor housekeeping was the cause of his depression. I think he should tell his psychiatrist this. Evidently he is dillusional and could probably use some better meds. Oh yeah, and Kelly sucks!
I think Kelly's depression is the cause of your poor housekeeping. I know that my poor housekeeping has improved about 1000 percent since I was rid of four lazy kids and an asshole ex-husband living here. My girls remind me of the fun every other weekend...leaving me various kitchen utensils, plates, garbage and recyclables in their rooms... I really need to blog about my mother's day weekend, bizarre and creepy happenings but it ended up okay.
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