Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Girl Sues MySpace Over Sexual Assault, $30M Lawsuit Says Web Site Didn't Protect Her From Another Member - CBS News

Girl Sues MySpace Over Sexual Assault, $30M Lawsuit Says Web Site Didn't Protect Her From Another Member - CBS News: "Girl Sues MySpace Over Sexual Assault
$30M Lawsuit Says Web Site Didn't Protect Her From Another Member"

A 14-year-old girl who says she was sexually assaulted by another user of MySpace.com sued the social networking Web site Monday, claiming it does not take sufficient steps to protect underage members.

The girl says a 19-year-old man lied in his profile about being a senior on a football team to gain her trust and phone number.

I find it sad that this stuff happened but its not myspace's fault it is the fault of the parents and the girl for allowing a 14 year old on myspace or to use a computer where it can not be monitored by parents. What the hell was a 14 year looking for a high school senior anyways. And why did her mother permit this to happen. I admit parents can't know everything their child does but some common sense is certainly required.

And 30 million dollars I am sorry but no matter how bad the sex was there is no way asking my space for 30 million is justified. If she is already out there hunting down senior football players she will probably be preggers in a year anyway and like a lot of them, on welfare, so I suppose this might be a way for her to support her future stupidity. But it is still wrong and sounds like a setup to me.

And what security measures should they take - Should they go to the house and personally screen every user for truth, run expensive background checks on millions of users. Or maybe refuse to let people on unless they are 18 and have some form of ID like a credit card to verify it. Like the silly children wouldn't lie and steal mom's credit card, they already do it to join sex sites. You just can't expect an online site to care much less be responsible. Expecting truth in a personal profile on some silly site like myspace is ludicrous to begin with.

And while I don't really believe men should get away with assault I am all for castration of rapists and I don't think it should matter what we wear or how we the fact is, that is does, because all men at heart are pigs and smart women realize this going in and don't set themselves up for a casual rape. I am constantly amazed at the amount of people who are willing to meet people they met over the web in non-public places where shit like this can happen. I can see internet dating as something taken slow - in public and with background checks and never for 14 year old girls.

Are you all just stupid or what.

Maybe I am just paranoid.


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