Willy Wonker and the SWINGIN Factory
Note to self don't ever look at Lifestyles web page again. At least not right before bed. Weird dreams, now ordinarily I would not be opposed to a little nocturnal unconscious mind activity involving attendence at a swingers get together but this dream was just plain weird. I wish I would have written it down earlier as I'm sure some of the best details have faded by now. I am a very lucid dreamer which means that nine times out of ten I realize that I am dreaming and orchestrate most of my dreamland activities. Last night would not be one of those times. The dream begins with myself and a group of other men and women in small meeting room in a hotel. There was a man adressing the group in a rather educational tone. The activity that we were about to participate in was showering with other memebers of the same sex. Not too weird thus far. I got paired up with this big European lady who was my showering partner. She scrubbed and washed me in ways that I had never been washed before. Not the least bit arousing or erotic, just plain odd but not a negative experience. Well basically the big gal was flingin me around the shower finding new places to wash me while the entire group watched with interest. It is important to mention that I did not realize I was dreaming so my mind could have found it quite logical that I was in such a predicament. Now I'm not sure I should go any further as the National Kidney association if there is such a thing may no longer want me as their posterchild after reading this. So I was standing in steamy warm shower very nude and by this time very clean when the big lady bent me over like she was going to spank me. While I was not opposed to being bathed I was definately not interested in my butt being slapped by a woman twice my size. I was about to express my objection when suddenly the big woman was replaced by a handsome man from my past. Now since the last thing I remembered was big Bertha about to tan my hide. I assumed that I was somehow drugged and asked Naked erect man what the heck was happening. That kind of ruined the moment big time and next thing I know I was back observing while the rest of the room took turns having fun in the shower. I might add that no one elses shower adventure included either soap or a big European lady. It was mostly attractive women and men.Yes, I was feeling pretty ripped off.So next part of the eductaional experience was for us to find someone in the room that we wanted to know better and go off and make love in semi public. Well I picked someone that was there that I was already somewhat acquainted with but not in that way. So Willy and I spent an afternoon together at an outdoor medeival fair of sorts and the whole time I was completely horny as was he, and I'm sure it helped that people were fornicating all over the place. Well I was too shy to start anything in public. Yes same girl who did it with Russell Crowe in a public park (hey it was dark at least). So we were walking around hand in hand very sweetly and I was looking for a place. I found a ladies lounge/powder room. Very ornately decorated with not a soul in it save a scantily clad,asian woman- can't remember much of what she was wearing accept for that it wasn't much, who welcomed us in. Well Willy sat down and just as I was about to tear his clothes off. This woman started rubbing his body in ways that he completely enjoyed. (trying to keep it PG 13). He was pretty much grinning from ear to ear and couldn't wait for me to join her. Suddenly I was jealous and completely disgusted. I just walked out and only then remembered that he was married and so was I. I began to roam the fair for Kelly who I assumed was there also for soem reason. Still never realized that I was dreaming until I woke up. WEIRD! The weirdest part was my choice in public sex display partner as this is someone that while I do like quite a bit I have never thought about in this way before. Feel free to psycho ananlyze this ladies.
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