I just bid on Dona's 10 vintage hats. Do I wear hats? NO. Do I need hats? NO. My sister in law and her friends started a little hat chat club about 5 years ago. I think I might be a charter member. Basically it involves drinking during daylight hours, silly or frivolous hats, and the first Sunday of every month. Seems right up my alley. I don't know why I fell out. Possibly cause I found the other members to be shallow (like I'm so deep, I know). Maybe cause I feel stupid wearing hats, or could have been I had a hard time holding my liquor. Or couldn't get a babysitter. One or all of those reasons anyway. So if I win the hats I'm going to get drunk and embarress my sister in law. She deserves it, or maybe I'll just give them to her for Christmas.
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