Car shopping
Okay, so my daughter's car is giving us headaches and we are shopping for another. I had her email a few people from craigslist with a generic letter-
She copied ten people who had cars for sale. Here is one response that blew my mind a bit-
hi wondering if you still have your car?
if you do, i was wondering if you were the only owner? and if not how many has it had?
and what part of town are you in?
you mailed 10 people so i don,t know who you are asking a question
Mishy-We were asking all the same you still have the car for sale? If so, how many owners, and what part of town are you in?
Asshole-run carfax
Mishy-Okay.... but that does not answer if you have the car and what part of town you are in.
Asshole-you are a time waster not a serious buyer. I alm noot wasting my time
Mishy-and you are rude and unhelpful, I will buy from someone who wants to sell their car
Thanks for nothing
Sheeeeeesh, some people!
That is sad and strangely funny.
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