Annual Blog Facts
I am a very lazy blogmeister. But even being lazy you would be amazed at the amount of traffic a website can get. If you had the perfect product or the perfect thought you could be either rich or influence an entire world. Below are some basic statistic for the dragonpass website and the blog.
Weekly average: 5,229 pages sent. This is actual pages seen by people in their finished form
Monthly average: 22,525 pages sent.
Most active month March 2006 : 34,564 pages sent.
Most active month March 2006 : 34,564 pages sent.
Daily average: 490 pages sent.
Even the entended Ying Yang love fest is unable to account for them all. Remember people clicking on ads helps pay for this webspace so if an ad look interesting by all means click them. And I will work on getting new ones. Buying never hurts either.
Evenings are better than mornings -
Work Hours (8:00am-4:59pm) 363,215
After Hours (5:00pm-7:59am) 715,259
Those really high numbers are totals for page requests since the web site migrated to its current host in 2005
Some Sites that refer people to our pages - We should visit and return the favor
plus the usual suspects, Google, aol, MSN Yahoo etc..
The top 10 searches that lead people to our pages
Search Query Number of requests
1. l ray smith 2,381
2. see your house from space 1,132
3. wholesome wear 644
4. l.ray smith 218
5. room makers 197
6. uss lexington 190
7. old angzine 162
8. lies 146
9. post secrets 139
10. stupid videos 130
11. see house from space 126
Operating Sysatems used can vary
The majority of users are on XP
Windows XP 109,098
Windows 3.1 1
There is still one hold out - can you even imagine trying ot access the internet on Windows 3.1 - talk about a snooze
Macintosh 4,498
Unix 1,764
We even have smart people who have enough sense not to get out of their lazy boy just to read us.
WebTV 21
the number one page requested IS?
/blogs/lives/lives.htm 18,503 2.92%
Emilys blog is second and the Corpus Directory is 3rd
So next time you are feeling alone remember that you are sharing your life with 1000s of people you don't know and will never meet. Kinda cool. Use your power wisely grasshopper.
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