Wednesday, November 14, 2007

LIl Kel's Mama says poo poo to the library

Dear Ms. Kenzie and Ms. Yang,

There are several problems that we have with the library. The first being that the books that we seem to NEED are not part of our library's collection or they have been checked out by someone else that keeps them too damn long. The other is that Lil Kel's mother is an airhead and can never get them back on time. She has been known to lose books for months at a time and then end up paying full cover price for books she could get on ebay for around a buck. If Kenzie's Nana takes into account the gas and time that it will take to and from the library she may find that buying that paperback on Amazon really is a better deal. Not to mention that she will get her very own crisp clean copy of the book. She can sell it on ebay afterwards, and recoup some cash or she could donate it to a charity and take it off her taxes. Okay Kenz is right, you really don't need to buy books but you don't really need to buy food either. There are plenty of trash bins that you could pick your lunch out of. I know it is not the same thing!
Respectfully, Lil Kel's Mommy


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