Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Kiko Blah Baby and Goat Papa

Cleaning out my drafts - this is Chapter 1 of a multi-chapter story narrated by SkyBelle - the cutest goat ever created.

Let me preface this by saying that this "play station" has been missing its top tier for a year or more. Or so those fellow goats that have been here that long tell me. There have been SEVERAL darling Pygmy babies arrive here (myself, of course, being the MOST darling), for some time. The GoatPapa has had no interest in fixing this item and we goats had collectively decided that once warm dry weather arrived, we would see our sad, sad, goat gym hauled off to the burn pit.

Little did we realize that all it would take would be the birth of one stinking Kiko baby girl, born to GoatPapa's favorite goat, for the rest of us to get the use of our gym back. GoatMam saw this newest addition climbing the broken piece of junk at less than 24 hours old, and she reported it to GoatPapa this morning. Lo and behold, he had to race home from work in the middle of the day today to repair this dangerous playground equipment so that his "darling" could fully enjoy it. Not one to hold a grudge, (and after all, I'm bigger than the new kid and can always knock her off the top), I thought I better assist in this project.

Appears to be quality material...(nothing but the best for the Kiko - blah - baby.)


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