Friday, May 20, 2011


So I keep hearing that tomorrow (Saturday, May 21st is the rapture). Even though I do not believe in such things it did make me wonder where I would want to be when it occured. Who I would want to be with. What I would want to be doing.
First thing I thought was I would want to be with my mother. But knowing her, she would be rejoicing at the occurance and that would just irritate me. So then I thought well it would be nice if I were with my boyfriend (the father of my child). But then I thought he would probably just want to go see his parents and that would also irritate me. So I decided after much thought that I would like to be with my cat, Cleo and my baby in my womb. I think I would be happy with dying alone as sad as that sounds. How odd.....


Blogger babydragon said...

Mike and I were talking about the same thing. I work tomrrow so will be at home with the hubby and kid (plus cat). We also were talking about packing as we are headed out of town and started talking about would we would take with us if we could. Well the only thing i could come up with is clothing. Not becuase im all that modest, but more becuase i get cold alot. so that sums it up I want my family and clothing or maybe a good blanket lol.

2:51 PM  

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