I almost got shanked at Gamestop
No not really but I thought it was a catchy title. I dropped L and her love off at Gamestop, it seemed like everyone there was in line. Ranger and I went to Super Walmart to spend a gift card that he received for his birthday. He bought the game of Life and some 1/2 off X-mas fizzies for bath time. When we got back to Gamestop the kids were still in line so Ranger played some video games. There ws a little girl there playing with him, a little younger than Ranger. I'm going to guesstimate that she was about 6. She is apparently a poor sport because she felt the need to slap and push my son for having more gaming skills than her. He didn't do anything back to her and I was so proud. He did however come to mama to take care of it. I told him how proud I was of him but he clearly was not satisfied with my praise. I located the child's mother and father and very nicely told them what there child had done. They actually seemed amused and said oh that is just how she is. To that I responded, you know that might become a problem for her. Then the dad just repeated the word might like it was a challenge. Yeah I should of just walked away but instead I said. (BECAUSE I AM NOTHING IF NOT IMMATURE) Well then just start saving up that money for bail, and I had a big stupid grin on my face when I said it. Then the mother gets flustered and says well I'm sorry my kid's not white. WHAT?? REALLY?? That was her come back,so I just muttered your a racist and walked off. This really happened this isn't a stupid story that I made up for entertainment. Why the heck would anyone let there kid hit someone because they are a poor sport. Those people need to be sterilized.
Em pushed a kid of a dry docked boat last month. Maybe it is a color thing lol. No not really... Well yelled at her and she got grounded while on vacation.
Even if I actually found it hilarious I would at least attempt to show my kid what the right thing to do is. I didn't really want to talk to those creepy parents either but I felt like if I didn't do it I would be letting Ranger down.
How did you get that picture of me as a child?
Ranger will always remember what you did for him!
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