Sunday, February 10, 2013

182 lbs and guess my favorite ice cream flavor and I will write you a story.

From what I gather, I was probably a pretty strange child from an early age I remember people commenting to my mother that I was like a tiny adult. I don't know where all of that business went because as of now I am like a large child, go figure. I feel as if I have been aging backwards like Benjamin Button except for my body hasn't quite got with the program yet. That's aging that's for certain. I might be giving up on  my life story it's already boring me.
  April wrote about chocolate and that is definately more interesting. After blowing up like the Good Year Blimp I decided to shed some of my very large reserves. So 60 ponds lost pretty easy. It's creeping back up thoug.h, make that 55. So I have about 45 more to go and I am not reasonably certain I can do it. Maybe it's lack of motivation or desire. I wasn't kidding, I will write a story for anyone who can correctly guess my favorite ice cream flavor. So come on all you four readers of the blog get to guessing.


Blogger babydragon said...

Im not sure what your Fav is but cake batter is my guess. I find that flavor to be heaven like. I however have gained the weight you loss.

2:33 PM  
Blogger Ying said...

BZZZZ..... No story for April, multiple guessing is allowed.

6:30 PM  

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