Wednesday, February 11, 2004

MSG, & The History of Puritanical America

MSG - Monosodium Glutamate, The terror of my home. Both my husband and daughter get terrible migraine which make them ever so much fun to live with. One of the things that causes them is the food additive MSG. Now the food companies have known for years that MSG causes headaches and every year they consistently find more food to put it in. It is just a salt flavoring for gods sake and can't possibly be that crucial to every know form of food. I have been trying over the last few months to rid my house of the dreaded substance so that I do not have to deal with family members taking high doses of narcotics to remain normal human being. But I just can't believe the amount of shit they put this stuff in. The hubby has been very depressed as one by one his favorite foods are taken away. Almost all brands of potato chips have it. We are now down to baked Lays which I admit are healthier but I don't understand why if they bake them there is no MSG but if they fry them there is. Then there are crackers. Chicken in a biscuit was the family favorite now its a family no no. You can't even buy a can of Campbells soup without finding the nasty stuff in it. Yesterday I even had to take ranch dressing off the menu. I am old I want processed food, I am tired of cooking from scratch, I have earned a break after 22 years of being the perfect cook. Now if the food companies would just cooperate.

another rant also on the subject of headaches. I have been buying Ephedrine pills to help with weight loss for several months. On a lark I told the hubby to take one when he had a headache and amazingly enough the headache went away he felt better and I got laid. (Good things happen when Migraines go away) For the last few months hubby has been taking one every morning just one mind you and as long as he stays away from the above mentioned evil food additive he doesn't get headaches and even if he eats something that triggers one it usually isn't too bad. We thought great a cure for migraines I can buy a bottle of a 100 for 12.95. I can live with this. (previous pills prescribed by a doctor "Maxalt" also worked exceptionally well but they are 92.00 for 6 little pills. Lets see 12.95 for 100 or 92 for 6. This made a big economic dent in my checking account. Not that I can use it too buy food or anything because it all contains MSG. But now the government in it infinite stupidity over the concerns of a few deaths like 150 over several years and most had other contributing factors. They are going to ban it. So I am hoarding. Planning on purchasing 10 more bottles tomorrow. What I don't understand is the fact that Tylenol killed damned near that many people just last year and they don't take it off the market. Remember Kids were dying of heatstroke at football practice long before they started taking Ephedra products. We used to just blame it on the coaches. I know I sound callous but really parents, you should know what your kids are taking and if someone is stupid enough to take a handful of pills and then go run around in the heat the gene pool is probably better off.

And yes Mish I know I could get real food through the Coop without chemicals and believe me I would do so if they thought Corpus actually existed in America but they don't and the nearest delivery drop point is almost 100 miles away and I just don't have the time to get there which sucks, so I am reduced to HEB and the 1 local health food store. I should have known this was a scary place when they have only one health food store and it sells beer and processed food along side the good stuff. Sometimes I miss you more and more. So Ozark Cooperative if you are listening please come to Corpus I need you, I miss you and I promise to spend lots of money with you.

As to the history of Puritanical America - that was the help the child with the homework assignment for the day. Drawback to homeschooling - Your children really do think you are capable of teaching them everything and don't mind using you well into their college years. I am beginning to think the homework will never end. By the time April graduates and doesn't need a sounding board anymore Emily will be ready to start schooling and since no grandchild of mine will ever be in public school I guess I will be doing homework for at least the next 18 years.

that's what I get for having high ideals that I force myself to live by. Maybe I should learn to putz and not care - as if that were possible.

Truck update 3rd day and they still don't have a clue, still broke and no one knows why.

Time to go to bed I am way to bitchy to be blogging


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