Friday, March 19, 2004

My first Auction

Okay not really my first, as I am a seasoned auction buyer from when I had the eBay business going. But the first at the Storage Units I manage here. Went well kinda hectic lots of paperwork so very busy day. But all done now as long as they come and get the stuff and haul it all off.

April picked out her crib today very very pretty. Visited the hospital yesterday and was told how young I looked by all the passing nurses. Nice to hear but I'll bet they say that to all the Grandmas. They have to give us something so we don't think about how old we are. Doesn't really bother me much. The hardest part is just imagining my daughter as a mother. I know she is perfectly old enough and responsible enough but damn it just yesterday she was a baby herself. As hard as this has been to truly grasp - I try imagining my mothers mind when she first found out I was pregnant at 12. Easier to imagine my daughter. I am lucky my mother let me live and I can hear the laughter in her mind when I told her I was old enough to handle it. Talk about not having a clue. I could have done it but the sacrifice to myself would have been great in ways I could not have imagined at 12. Not that I had a whole lot more imagination at 15 when I did it again but at least by then I could legally hold down a job.

And in the end it worked out well, I love my kids and would trade them for the world but now I do understand what I gave up to have them. I also understand just how young I really was and how stupid in so many ways.


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