Tuesday, March 02, 2004

We're not in Kansas anymore!

Okay, so I was excited about Texas. I'd rather go to China!!! Mish - I"m so jealous, but yet so happy for you!! How exciting. I don't have anything new to report, but thought I should blog since I'm leaving tomorrow and won't have blog access or time for 8 days. (Like I do so much of it when I"m home!)
Brandy knows from the pictures I sent her (still waiting for that picture of April, by the way....) that Jaden McKenzie has turned into a red head. Well, quite by accident we will be a matching set while I'm there. Had my hair colored yesterday, by the same person and in the same manner I've had it done forever. As she was blowing it out, Joanne screamed, "Oh my God!" (Not something you ever want to hear while in a beauty salon chair or on a doctor's examining table.) Seems she forgot to add something and instead of 3 shades of blonde highlights, I am now a red head. She felt terrible, but in all fairness, she just had major surgery, is having complications, and not her usual efficient self. Besides, it's not like I won't be back in her chair in 4 weeks and she can fix it. It's just HAIR! I do think it's funny that Darrel has never given one hoot about what I do to my hair, but the only request he has ever made is don't go red - he HATES red hair! Somehow I doubt it will keep us from having hot monkey sex tonight, since I'm leaving for 8 days tomorrow.


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