I am not a total idiot. I actually managed to set up instant messenger. I am CatsRule1974. It was actually quite easy. Now if I can just figure out how to get the blog this button I will really feel empowered. I am nothing if not easily amused. I had a beautiful day today. I went to church and stayed in the nursery with Ranger and helped Ms. Connie with the abundance of little ones. Kelly 2 really digs Ms. Connie. He thinks that she is the cats meow and she is. This woman has a beautiful way with children and that is so admirable. She treats Kelly like a prince. Kelly will soon be three and will be moving out of her room and I'm not sure how that one will go over. We shall see. I really like the pole dancer, I was expecting her to be more volumptuous though. I don't know why that is. It is hard to imagine that brief former occupation of mine but it really was not that long ago that my rear did not look bad in a thong.
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