Sunday, April 18, 2004

Victim Of Gravity

I had a very nice day today, I enjoyed helping with April's shower. Though I can't say that I did much. April looked especially lovely and seemed to be very much in love. I like watching public displays of affection, I am quite a romantic at heart. Lindy enjoyed herself a great deal. I am glad that I brought her with me. Sometimes I forget that she is only seven as she is just a couple of inches shy of five feet tall. I am not always as patient with her as I should be. Poor Lindy she is my oldest and often the victim of my trial and error parenting technique. Successfully installed and logged on to yahoo messenger as Catsrule1974. Well it's now about 10:20 PM and I've decide to edit my blog. I stripped off my clothes hopped on to our water bed and pressed my naked body against Kelly. He rejected my advances so I have decided to eat cheesecake drink diet vanilla coke and write. Not quite as good as love making but it will have to do. It's funny because just the other day I was thinking that with my awesome feminine powers I could probably seduce Kelly at any time the mood struck me. I don't know that I would do well as a nudist, I am too self conscious and would probably stare too much. Though I am perfectly comfortable walking around the house with little or no clothing. By the way Dona coordination is not a required skill for top less dancing as I myself have very little and was quite successful. I enjoy writing about that chapter in my life, although it was hardly a chapter more like a page and I suppose by the time it is all said and done it will be only a mere paragraph in the book that is my life. I am thankful for it though because in the end I learned a bit about myself. I would like to think that I know myself but it seems as though with the passing of time I come to see even more facets of me. I'm some times a bit self centered, I think that we all are. I haven't met any Mother Theresas or Christs lately. I am glad that I became a mother so young. I believe that having Lindy at 21 accelerated my maturation process. Then again who knows I've always been a bit old for my age. I have an old soul, but am young at heart and am perfectly capable of being immature.


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