Carnival was mucho fun. Yes will definately enjoy doing the corny games. Corny is my territory. I'm much more comfortable around strangers when I have a definite assignment or when I'm trying to sell them something. April will get 100 dollars per loan that comes from her shower. Just kidding I won't be passing out any business cards. I'll wait until the next family function that I'm invited to for that. Don't worry about the game stuff Brandy I have it under control. I'll try to call you and let you know that. In case you don't read this blog in time. In my own defense Brandy the only reason I skipped the NY thing was because Kelly promised me a trip a year not to go. So as soon as Ranger is weaned I will be planning some adventure. So far I am definately going on a mission trip to Mexico without kids or Kelly next year. Yes my illness was partly do to being run down however it was also partially my own fault as well. I got the opportunity to go to South Padre Island last year expenses paid to learn about social programs for Headstart. Well I spent the days soaking up all the info and the nights drinking, dancing, swimming in the ocean and sitting in the hot tub till a couple of hours before my first seminar. I came home to my family in pretty rough shape. So I'm not such an angel and may have a really good drunk story if I could actually remember it. Not that I regret a moment of it but I think that it may have contributed to the whole being warn out thing. So I was warn out even before I was pregnant (the trip was in January). Conceived in February. Incidentally Angel was my pole dancer name. Just thought I'd throw that in there. Not that anything could actually shock you ladies. By the way If anyone wants to go on an adventure with me next year throw your ideas my way. Things went great with Katy last night!
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