Domestic Blah
Feeling kind of blah at the moment. I am ready for the children's school year to be over so that we can have some adventures with out the time constraints of having children in two different schools on opposites sides of town. Home schooling while very admirable and also appealing to me doesn't seem to be a realistic possibility at the moment. It may be necessary in the future so I am going to investigate it. Blaze had a hell of a year (or rather his teacher did). Poor Blaze was bored out of his mind, and the right thing to do would have been to pull him out of school but I did not. I kept thinking that he would learn something there that I could not teach him. The only thing that he learned was that no one else in his class could learn as quick as him. The new things that he learned came from home. I hope that the Gifted school goes over a little better. I won't wait a whole school year to render the verdict on that one. All of the teachers there are educated in teaching gifted children and Blaze will be able to work at his own abilities. I am excited about this. Lindy wants to stick with the Fine Arts school and I don't even know why. My little artist had a terrible social year and it really affected her even academically. This little weasel (no offense to weasels) has been torturing Lindy all year. Probably because the little girl is a bully and she gets such dramatic responses out of Lindy. Kelly keeps reminding Lindy to pray for the little girl but honestly I am praying that the little girl just moves away. (and yes I know that someone else perhaps worse may take her place) All the advice I have offered Lindy, Kelly has been deemed inappropriate for a seven year old girl. I ran into the little girls mother at a school function and she seemed nice enough. Of course her daughter denies any negative behavior, naturally. On the education subject I've got another eight hour loan class on Friday. I hope that I can actually do something with this knowledge. Like make some money. Kelly may come home tomorrow night and of course he will complain about the laundry or something like that. I've decided that I am going to very calmly look him in the eye and say the following.
I haven't figured out what I'll say yet. Something that might make him understand how difficult it is to care for four kids by myself and that while he's gone I am the only one that does anything for anyone around here and if I seem lazy, and expecting him to take over when he gets here it's only because I am physically and emotionally worn out. Kelly is one of those people that cannot relax in a disorganized environment, poor guy! He knew I was a slob when he married me. Shame on him. It's not like he's Mr. Clean or anything. Rarely picks up his cups or dishes. Just leaves them there just like the kids. The kids are getting better, they are cleaning up their rooms and the family room on a regular basis, but if I let them make a mess, they will.
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