Monday, May 17, 2004

Fine Then Be Hot!

Do my wishes wants and desires need to be sensible and mature to be respected? (some would argue yes) I say no. That is the question of the day. We will explore this topic and the irrational behavior of this 29 year old woman\girl. This is where I will truly show my age or my ass <- (new favorite word). All you faithful readers of the blog will recall that Lydia's junky vehicle and the repair of said vehicle has been some what of an issue for her. Note to self, I know I've lost it because I've started referring to myself in the third person. My AC has been out of commission for quite some time. Approximately a year ago more or less my darling one had it repaired (it was quite costly) by his X's boyfriend who is a competent mechanic who works out of the garage of Kelly's X. I requested very politely that he not bring my truck back to him, I gave no reason why. Kelly then found some incompetent to screw my truck up and decided that having Mike (X's man) fix it again would be the best option. I then very politely but firmly said, " No, I am not comfortable with that". I suggested a place that B told me about. He did not argue. So today he comes home from a visit with Katy and announces that he will be bringing my truck to his X's house because Mike will be fixing it tomorrow. I said, "No". He said, "Yes!" I reinterated my original stance to no avail. There was some nanny nanny boo boo bla bla bla and then I just got really pissed off and said some crap that didn't even make sense. Here it is verbatim.

Kelly - I don't understand why Mike can't fix your car
Lydia - He's Vicki's boyfriend I don't want him too, I don't want my truck at her house.
Kelly - I dont get it.
Lydia - I don't do business with the devil it's not like your getting a discount pay someone else to do it.
Kelly - Mikes not the devil (looking puzzled)
Lydia - No but he sleeps with her! It's my truck please do not bring it to her house.
Kelly - Fine then be hot!
Lydia - I would rather! Kelly, don't you understand that I want to have no contact with her that I do not need to?
Still don't know that he won't try and go behind my back. I have drawn a line in the sand. Just for backround info. The evil one has done many mean and malicious things to my family which I have chosen for the most part to ignore keeping in mind that even though I have jokingly given her the dark title she is in reality a child of God. Naturally I don't want my vehicle at her abode. She's a negative force for me. It's not rational or logical or justifiable or mature, or even sane. This is just what I want and I feel that it should be respected because I deserve that much even if I make no sense. So there you have it folks, tune in next time to find out what the roaches that live in my car really think of me. I know that they are talking about me.
Mishy so glad to know that you are at least reading the blog. You are missed!


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