Go Yankees!
It's good to know that parts of my home region have not remained Puritanical idiots! B - you remember Cora, I'm sure. She lives in Mass. and has been living with her partner for about 4 years now. I'm sure she is celebrating the news. Why do self-proclaimed "Christians" (I say this because I have yet to find any who actually live as Christ taught, but rather by some warped interpretation of the Bible)think same sex marriages will damage families??? The kids I know from same sex marriages are more well-adjusted than any from heterosexual marriages I know (including my own kids).
We are making progress - all the parts for the faucet have been purchased. Now it will be interesting to see if it actually gets installed. I actually had the, "if it doesn't affect you it doesn't exist" talk the other day. Of course, because they all have marshmallow egos, I softened it with, "I know you can't help it - it's a male genetic thing and you're all that way." This may be why the next day he ran out and bought the parts - they all seem to hate being lumped together. (Gee - I think I lumped again!)
Wish I could go with you guys!! Sounds like great fun. I'm spending my weekend babysitting the seven year old, as Darrel is working all weekend and Tracy's "ex" took only the 2 little ones for the weekend. Which isn't too bad, since at least I can park him in front of the evil t.v. and nap. Not possible with the smaller ones.
Loved the husband shopping site. However, last floor should read, "This floor exists solely to prove that the perfect man does not exist."
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