Monday, May 03, 2004

Roar Baby Roar

No sex does sucks, don't it. Biggest problem I have found with marrying an older man. Unfortunately you are already married for 10 years before you remember they peak at 18 and we don't until 40. Makes for a rather lopsided arrangement. Growing up you always hear how the women don't want sex anymore after marriage which is the nature of most of the jokes and Lo and behold its the men. In our case it has more to do with pain than it does with want. If I get him enough drugs, (The legal kind of course) then he is impossible to stop. Otherwise its a touch and go thing depending on how he feels. I don't think men realize how many times in life women have sex when they don't really care to. For us it is easy. Participate breathe hard make noises the more noise the faster they go and we can even balance our checkbooks and plan the next weeks menu while it is going on. I don't think men are able to multi-task quite as well and therein lies the problem. They have to feel good and want it whereas we truly can just lay there and get it over with. And quicky Blow jobs are always the fastest way to make them go away and leave you alone if you are not in the mood.:0)

Talking to my mother the other day about how once our husbands pass or if they ever left us we wouldn't do this again. I would move in with dona at the farm, Mom wants a small cottage on the beach. Told her Dona and I figured if we got desperate we could just tie up the harvest boys and have our way with them. My mothers response was "all she ever needed once poppy(her husband)is gone was Bob. Being an idiot I asked who is Bob thinking this is some new guy I haven't heard of. Her Response was

Battery Operated Boys - Sometimes I love my mother

Back to door handles - Les says if you will buy some - and I am betting they are not that much even at a dealer or regular parts store - and bring them over he will teach you how to install them and help you get them all replaced. Says it shouldn't take more than 1/2 an hour which I am guessing is a tad optimistic. An hour is probably more like it but then you will know how to do it and won't have to ask next time. - PS He will be cheaper than Kelly's guy he will be free.

If you ever convince him to go to a good reasonable priced Mechanic. Loas at Ayers and horne has always done right buy us. Took them 5 day to figure out what was wrong with my truck last time but they still only charged me 80 buck and than included an oil change. Ask for Robert


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