Saturday, June 19, 2004


I wish that I was on some strange trip but alas I am not. I am right here in my little bubble where there are many phone calls but no visitors. Of course if anyone would drop by unexpectedly I would only be embarrassed because my housekeeping is at an all time low. Sometimes tenants drop by to pay the rent. I have few friends, I am not very social. The kids really tie me down. It is quite an ordeal to get a sitter. I've thought about after Ranger is weaned leaving the kids with Kelly and just taking off somewhere for at least a few days. I wanted to go to Idaho to see my Aunt, I would take the two littlest with me and leave Lindy and Blaze with their father but Kelly is not too keen on us flying their. He is afraid that terrorists will kill us or maybe it is just a bullshit excuse to keep me close to home. Well actually I may hop on a bus and go there. I wonder how long that would take, days probably. Kelly is gone for two weeks at a time, what would it hurt if I took off for a week or even two while he was gone and I may do just that. Here's a little update on the latest get rich quick scheme, my Real Estate mentor has not called me in a month or maybe more. I talked to him a total of four times maybe. Oh yeah that was worth 3 grand! I told Kelly to call him (I don't have his number or I would) but he has not. Lets make up some fictitious scam and get Kelly to spend our money on it. Of course he will get nothing but maybe we could use the money to go to Vegas and act stupid. Of course I am only kidding. I would want to go some place cooler than Vegas. When I was dropping Lindy off at Girlscout camp, I was so excited for her and in a small way envious. My Church just got back from a mission trip to Mexico and I started talking to Kelly about the possibility of him going with me and he said no way. Although this is a year away he thinks that he will be too busy and if he isn't he certainly does not want to go to Mexico and build houses. He asked me if I would rather go on a vacation, I said I would like that but that I want to go to Mexico too. I kind of got pissed because he was making it sound like an either or. Kelly denies that he ever made the promise of a trip a year for me not to go to NY. In case I haven't said it, that was pretty stupid of me to pass that one up. I don't for see any one ever handing me a round trip ticket, hotel,and a per diem. Not gonna happen. I was so thrilled when I found out I was going. Man I was grinning for a week. He was there at the meeting that night and he did not congratulate me. Okay I'll shut up about that one. As soon as I wrap this up I am going to start planning Lydia, Ranger, and Kelly II's little adventure. I hope that Mish had an awesome time and that it was everything that she imagined it would be. Can't help you eat those cookies Brandy! Kelly called me a wide load and pleasantly plump in the same week. I took a look at my nude body in the mirror and I might be headed that way. I will how ever break my diet for wings and more so if you are willing to wait till the Thursday after next I would love to go! The Thursday after that works also. Let me know and it will be a date.


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