The Edge Awards - Tribute to Keith and Virginia May
Momma May's Beans and Things - my second real job - Burger and bean joint in the husk of a very very old tiny Dairy Queen on 19th Ave in Phoenix. I believe it is now a strip mall. This was my second for real not paying me under the table job. My first was Duck and Decanter. (good Restaurant, Still one of my favorites - but I liked the first location best).
When I moved out of my house at fifteen I was working at momma mays, cleaning grills and training managers since I was not yet old enough to be one. Being of paranoid mind and body I bided my time before moving out so that I could do it properly. Worked out moms schedule so I could get my stuff out while mother was out of town plus I cleared it with the owners of Momma Mays so I could stay with them for a few months while I saved money for an apartment. Even Altered my birth certificate to make me old enough to get said apartment.
Looking back Keith and Virginia May were my first exposure to people who took in strays. Both were in their Mid Sixties. They had a big house next to the freeway. The land parcel used to be out in the country before the city grew up around it so both lot and house were large and accommodating. Virginia was also an excellent cook which is of course why she opened her own restaurant. Woman actually made butter beans I liked.
She also made the best Cinnamon rolls, Texas Sheet Cake and Potato Salad. To this day I still follow her cinnamon roll recipe for Christmas Morning breakfast.
Keith and Virginia were good church going people but they never complained once when I refused to go. Virginia's only complaint to me the entire time I lived there concerned John(Joshuas Father) and that she did not approve and that if I was her daughter this would not be going on. The going on of course was that we were fucking like bunnies in her house. This house is where Joshua was conceived. Not very polite on my part to their elderly sensibilities but I was 15. The very definition of young and stupid.
their Son lived there with them he was in his early 20s and lived in a trailer next to the house. He had a pet Owl, very cool. Spent long hours in his trailer discussing politics life & music (he was in a band) and he kept trying to get me into bed but I was virtuous and John was the only person I was will to cheat on the current boyfriend with. Had older men all my life try and get me in bed but at the time it never crossed my mind it is only looking back that I realize what they were after. Lucky for them I was naive and stupid and saved them from themselves.
I stayed about 3 months at their house. Don't remember doing many chores or even my own laundry. I do remember Virginia was much friendlier when I moved in than when I moved out. Imagine that, she tries to be nice and gets to wait on another child. I think she was trying to do the daughter thing as she had three boys. I am sure I was a disappointment. Most 15 year olds are.
While I was living there another Older man moved in An ex- Juvie Handler from Arizonas juvenile Prison System. A Drunk Who didn't think much of teenagers. From what I remember he was a friend of Keiths. Recovering Alcoholic on Antibuse to keep him from slipping.
He was the last manager I trained before they closed the restaurant. He hated kids, was mean and belligerent but after living with us for a few months he began to mellow and I think realize that not all kids are bad or that at least I wasn't that bad and could hold my own in an argument, Like that was ever in doubt.
After 3 months there attempting to save money and still not having enough, I lied to John and made him give me money so I could move into an apartment. I moved out of their house I am sure to their relief. And into and apartment of my own (another story another time). I never went back to the house and I don't think I ever saw Virginia again but I did see Keith several times over the next 6 months we would go to Dennys and he would slip me 20s. Okay I really only called him when I needed money.
I used them shamelessly because I was so young and stupid I had no shame. They on the other hand treated me honorably and gave me a home when I had no where else to go.
I never told them thank you and I doubt they are still alive. These two people without meaning too and without knowing that they had, taught me a great deal. My marriage is closer in atmosphere to theirs than it ever was to my parents and I bring home strays. The big difference is that I don't get as upset when they don't do squat. Because I remember myself and figure it is just punishment for my past failures. Besides it is fun to watch them as they grow up.
So here is to Keith and Virginia May - Great People who had a profound influence on my life which is still very evident today almost 25 years later. If you are alive and out there and have ever wondered if what you did that summer was worth the aggravation well it was and will continue to be so. All Because you helped one stupid girl.
Other beneficiaries of your ongoing example are
Pav- Ex Druggy Extraordinaire - Now art teacher and loving father of Milla
Tiffany - Saved from relationship with an abusive drunk - By my daughter
Lindsey - Given a home after parents ran out of room and because her step father didn't like her - Kicked out of her parents house during Christmas - Also brought home by my daughter.
All three of these lived with us over the years when we had large houses and all three took advantage of the situation. Of the 3 Pav is still my favorite and he is the one who spent the most time with us. As appropriate following of tradition his daughter was conceived in my house.
Now there is James and Tessa - I no longer have the place to house them but they are still benefiting from food and help. So on to their update. Lydia came up with an exceptional plan for Tessa. I pitched it and she was actually considering it. Right up to the point where she talked to her older sister who helped raise her and declared that she couldn't move that far away. The good news is that in order to prevent her from moving away they are now checking with their apt. complex to see if it is okay to let them stay there for a while. So with any luck this current ordeal will be over soon.
Thanks to all for input and options in particular Lydia who knows her way around the systems here in Corpus Much better than I do. And who is considerably more social than I.
I Here by declare July 12, to be Keith and Virginia May Day. On the Calendar of Brandy's World. Thanks for your kindness and your support. You done good.
If I ever get Rich I will buy lots of farmland preferably with 2 or more houses on it. I will collect intelligent strays that have no home and give them security and unconditional love and support, and teach them how to do proper chores. Expose them to art and philosophy and let them relax and become who they can be in hopes that they will go out into the world calmer and more grounded and do the same for future generations.
God Bless Keith and Virginia May. We never really know how our actions affect the lives of others. I like this story, I would like to read more of it.
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