Sunday, July 25, 2004

Toads, Frogs, and Princes....

Hmmmm....All this deep talk of life changes and tadpoles. Do we see a theme here?
B - I tried to tell you that when you become a grandparent life becomes something totally different than it ever was before. I could never find words to express it, and never believed it when other people talked about it. It's something you have to experience for yourself to ever understand. Suddenly, all that "dumb, archaic crap" that you heard about becomes a reality. Lydia - if you think being a parent is wonderful - just wait! I envy Lydia,, as I think she has found it much younger than I ever would/could. Life IS seeing the difference between toads and frogs. I think it's the most basic similie for what we are supposed to learn before we are allowed to move on. Brandy has told me for months, and now I totally agree...Lydia, you are to come to the ends of the known universe and be one of the "old women in the woods" with us. I promise it will be boring, but never dull. Somehow, I think you know the difference.
Brandy and I got way too damned philosophical tonight, and I intended to blog it all. But, somehow it has already left the brain cell we share, (which has somehow magicallly now become commmunal), and seems totally unimportant at the moment. Suffice it to say that life is grand, even when it sucks, and I hope all the blog ladies of all ages dream of magical moments and life on the edge.


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