Too sad
I feel so bad for you and for Blaze, Lydia! Your tale made me tear up (okay - I'm not always the hardened bitch I aspire to be) and brought back memories of pets long gone but not forgotten. Kelly is obviously aspiring to be the poster boy for heartless anal retentive assholes. I say this with the utmost respect.
I remember when Catty (one of the other Catahoula Leopards we have had over the years) was run over in front of our house, as I stood in the yard watching. I cried every hour on the hour for weeks, but had to go out on the front porch to do it, because Darrel thought I was being an idiot. Of course, that was before he fell in love with Keegan the Wonder Dog (he's really a lovable but mentally deficient canine, but don't tell Darrel that) and I think he now has a clue what I was feeling.
I don't know what's worse - Rainbow dying or how to tell Blaze. I wish you were closer - I would offer him pick of the multitude of kitties that are offered to us on a daily basis. (Living out in the country, people feel you need to adopt every thing with 4 legs.)
I feel so bad about the kitty that I think I will forego the rant I intended to blog and save it for tomorrow. Of course, my adrenaline will be back to normal and I will have my "Irish/Italian" under control again, so I can't promise the rant will occur.
Btw, Lydia, if you buy the Anthony High School you will have to come to the area to at least finalize things and you will be only 20 miles from me, so I will be sure there is a large selection of kitties available for Blaze.
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