Sunday, September 12, 2004

I want to sleep!

I want to sleep and I need to sleep but I just can't so here I am tappin these keys at this wee hour. I'd really like to read the blog but alas it is unavailable and that is bummin me out. The phone rang at midnight and I really shouldn't have answered it because who calls at midnight other than my crazy mother. It was a tenant who's electricity went out. Actually it was Deb's husband and I do hope that she will write with us. Tonight I saw fireflies in my front yard and I thought that this was strange that I had never seen any in my whole life up until Mo Ranch and now here they are in my front yard. Maybe they had always been around and I just never saw them. Maybe there are a lot of things that I am missing. Then again they could be fairies. You never know with fairies. I did not thank them for the lilies. Sometimes I am not very gracious but not because I do not want to be. Only because sometimes I am oblivious. I'm becoming more attentive lately and I don't know what I would attribute this to, but it is a good thing. I've caught myself almost doing some really goofy things and when I catch myself doing these goofy things I'm not shocked that I'm doing them I'm shocked that I realized that I'm doing them. That last sentence may only be comprehendable to myself or a similarly natured person. Note that I did not say someone else with ADD. I do not care what anyone says Attention Deficit disorder does exist. Actually I've come to the point where I am actually grateful for it. It certainly makes my life more interesting. Okay that's a lie. I'm not really grateful for it. Short term memory is overrated anyway. I think that my three year old son has a better memory than I do. I was looking at an ice chest at Sam's club and lil Kel said, "We have that it's blue". Now I knew we had an ice chest but I had no idea what color it was. Details sometimes escape me.


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