Friday, October 15, 2004

Lydia Where are you

We have two new art shows coming up soon - One at artwerks Opens on the OCt 25th. Just in time for halloween they bring you - Sticks and Stones - Roots and bones.

Starting on the 23rd at Kspace is the Man Show - An exhibition exploring the myths, misconceptions and the realities of a male dominated world. KSpace is a cool place but their leader is a tad insecure - I really wanted to work there but she just couldn't deal with the lady that introduced us. The sad part is she lost out on some of the best help a studio could have just ask Mishy.

Contemplating going to both openings. Anyone else out there interested let me know

April and her other half have taken the baby Em and run away to Kansas for the weekend. Hope they have fun but I hate having them out on the road. I do paranoid mommy very well. They would be so much safer tied up in a bx in my garage where they couldn't get into any trouble.

Survived the birthday - Pleasant and mellow - Took down the pool and declared an end to summer. Working on making curtains for my bedroom and maybe a quilt for Emily for Christmas. Life is good


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