So many shoes and so little time...
This is a total and complete cheat, as I am too tired to blog twice, so I am simply copying and pasting my blog from my Nana blog to this one. (At least B can't say I didn't blog??)
I'm happy to report that Jaden McKenzie Leann Marr has already acquired her grandmother's deep and abiding love of shoes. At 1 year old she is already Shoe Fetish Girl. Squeals of sheer joy (generally at an ear-piercing pitch that I'm sure makes dogs for miles around howl) come out of that tiny mouth every time she spots a pair of shoes. It doesn't matter what size, shape, or color they are - she must immediately put them on her feet and prance (or stomp, if they are too big for her to completely raise from the floor with her tiny feet) around, giggling and screeching. And we can't forget the ocassional "Ha ha" that comes out when she's found a pair she's particularly fond of. (Yes - that's the exact sound/word she says - "Ha ha" - usually with her hand placed oh so "girlie" in front of her mouth.)
She is also Sing-Song girl. Anytime she is awake and not interacting with someone, she is singing one of 3 or 4 very obvious songs, always repeated in the same individual tune for each, not just random sounds and tunes. There is the "Da-Da" song, the "Ma-Ma" song, the "La-La" song, and one other I can't quite figure out, but convince myself is the "Na-na" song. (As in Nana - me!)
She's quite the Drama Queen these days, also. Likes to place a hand over each eye, lay her head on the floor or your shoulder, and "weep" for consolation when she doesn't get her way about something. (Not a tear in sight, of course.) The nickname I gave her when she was born (Ladybug) had been replaced by my favorite thing (and more apt) to call her these days - The Diva.
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