Sunday, October 24, 2004

To brush or not to brush, that is the question

One of my goals now that I am forty - is too take better care of myself, To get into a routine of washing the face every night and doing the brush the teeth thing before I go to bed and flossing at least once a day.

These are things I am horrible at. The teeth get brushed every morning in the shower for the prescribed three minutes and the flossing is no big to deal but I hate doing things at night and I am not sure why.

I have been trying to analyze this weirdness and with the brushing the teeth at night I think I have figured it out. Minty Fresh breath is a good wake up in the morning but it almost seems sacriligious to replace the flavor of a great homecooked dinner or dessert with that same fresh minty taste I use in the morning. And besides it wakes me up. I have enough trouble getting to sleep at times with the hot flashes and waining hormones anything that makes me more awake at midnight is not good.

So to you toothpaste manufacturers make me a toothpaste that is mellow, something light maybe a bit fruity, not candy like, but nice. One that won't startle my brain into thinking its time to get up or melt my tongue with its minty strength. After all my pillow doesn't care if my breath is minty fresh.

PS If you make lots of money on this idea send some my way.


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