Inauguration to Emphasize War, Sacrifice
iWon News: "In January, as war continues in Iraq and Afghanistan, Bush's second inauguration will heavily emphasize the ongoing conflicts and sacrifices by U.S. forces with the theme, 'Celebrating Freedom, Honoring Service.' But the festivities will rival those held during peacetime.
On tap are nine official balls, a youth concert, a parade, a fireworks display and, of course, Bush's second swearing-in ceremony and speech at noon on Jan. 20. Planners put the cost at $30 million to $40 million, excluding expenses for security for the first post-Sept. 11 inauguration."
The only sacrifice I am seeing int his picture is that of the tax payers and the soldiers and maybe that of common sense. I don't and have never understaood the sheer waste of money spent at these function. They are not royalty and its certainly not like the common people get to go. They call it a celebration of democracy I call it a waste of money. And it is our money they are wasting.
The White House has already warned federal agencies including the Education Department to brace for slower spending and possibly outright budget cuts, Democrats say.
So if I have this right Education is not as important is Shrub's mind as his party. He act like 40 million is nothing and to hime it isn't but to education, and health care it could mean a great deal
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