Progress, such as it is...
Have I mentioned that I hate this game? Latest is, the attorneys and the judge had a conference call yesterday afternoon, and 'vacated' Friday's trial, with the understanding that both parties were in agreement and that a final paper can be drawn up next week when my attorney's assistant returns from her vacation. We will then both peruse the document, tweak it in, and sign off. Deadline was set for February 18th. I assume it will be final before then, an early birthday present. This is all good's almost over.
But then, Mr Lowe annoyed me again today, but it was kind of amusing too, in an irritating sort of way. I mean, he had annoyed me earlier too...but...well...I guess I will just tell the story....
Last weekend was Gary's weekend (mind you, "weekend" for Mishy is Saturday morning til Sunday evening)....but Leesie mentioned, before the weekend, that Gary was wanting to switch weekends for the NAMM show which he attends in Anaheim every January...she didn't say any details (like, which weekend was NAMM or which direction it would be switched, or what exactly he was switching for...the kids seem fine on their own over there most of the time...) I replied that we might go up visit with Steffin's daughter in Payson...but I had to work Saturday, so wasn't sure if that would happen or not. So, during the week I asked Aliya if Gary had gone to NAMM last weekend, answer was no, it was this weekend upcoming. Today, Leesie called and said that they were going to California, with Gary, this weekend. I was a bit perturbed, being told at the last minute, but not begrudging of them going to have a fun weekend. Not a word from Gary. Til today. Email (!) asking if it was okay...for them to go this weekend, saying he knew I'd talked to Elyse. I wrote him back, not really nice, chiding him for not communicating himself....I mean, come on...he actually emailed back (first time EVER that I can recall, that he has actually replied to a response email to me)....
said he didn't know if he was GOING to NAMM since he JUST found out from his lawyer today that we weren't going to court tomorrow.
DUH.... I knew last week! Okay, so it wasn't for sure til yesterday, but Leesie said "well, Dad said he called your lawyer three times and he never called back!" And I said, "why is he calling *my* lawyer?" She said..."well, he called some lawyer." I told her his lawyer has the reputation of not calling in retrospect, I'm wondering why the hell I am having this conversation with my fifteen year old daughter!!
Anyway...I told him that I am fine with switching weekends, and I am glad they can go have a fun time, apparently they are going to Disneyland for one day. And that I am happy to have my kids anytime they condescend to stay with me, for however long they want to. I didn't tell him the other thought I had for him...just two words... THANK YOU!!!
My mom had three- It's about time.
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