Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Believe it or not, it *is* going to happen

The Lowes are going to be divorced...soon....we have a court date for January 21. Last order said Gary wanted to schedule appointments to spend beaucoup bucks on Dr Glassman (custody evaluator) again, to try to hash out a custody/access deal, he was not willing to entertain my offer (which was VERY reasonable). So, my attorney called me a week before Thanksgiving and said to call Dr G and schedule an appointment right away. I called the next day and Dr G's secretary told me that they would wait for Gary to call as they wanted us to come in together, and that it would probably happen after Thanksgiving. it is now, January 5, and I get an email...Gary has a counter offer! Or, he needs to schedule an appoinment with Dr G. the order says.... I have to laugh...WHO WAITED TIL NOW?????? If this thing was brought to court, what would the judge think of Gary's timeliness, or lack there-of? At any rate, he countered with a miniscule compromise to me, and I responded, so it looks like the negotiations for the FINALIZATION of this divorce are in progress...a year and a half later...and as I predicted, I don't think it will be going to court, other than for the stamp of approval. I had already decided to compromise, in the interests of *not* forcing it in front of the judge, and only because I have communicated with my daughters and I know their wishes. Sure will be nice to get it over with....


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