The Morning News review. Complete with before coffee spelling errors and bad grammer
faeriequeene2000: good morning.
faeriequeene2000: sort of
dragonez: Why only sort of
faeriequeene2000: not awake enough to know. or care.
dragonez: True
dragonez: I can't believe how much they are trashing star warss
faeriequeene2000: i know. it can't be that damned bad.
faeriequeene2000: i think it's just because lucas is so anti big studio so the studios all paid the critics to trash it.
faeriequeene2000: i'll see it anyways, just because it's star wars.
dragonez: They aren't saying its bad they are just trashing them in general and I don't get it
faeriequeene2000: i've heard horrible things about the new one.
dragonez: Except of course for he ones whining that it has too much violene like galatic wasr isn't supposed to include death
dragonez: I have heard that it is the best so far from the fans
faeriequeene2000: and they are the only ones who matter.
dragonez: But lots of people are whihing about graphic death scenes and yoda being torutured
faeriequeene2000: yes - i think people and especially kids should be required to be exposed to actual war and torture videos. then maybe they will grow not to go to war.
dragonez: But for film historian Peter Biskind, that may not be such a good thing. In a recent interview with France's Le Monde newspaper, he said Star Wars and its good-against-evil storyline has become a simplistic prototype for today's blockbuster.
"Unfortunately, we will be living in the shadow of Star Wars for a long time."
Director Paul Schrader said the series "ate the heart and soul of Hollywood."
dragonez: Some argue it turned Hollywood into a commercial beast with no regard for artistic merit. Star Wars, it is said, used technology that undermined fundamental principles of acting.
faeriequeene2000: er.... i thought good versus evil was pretty much what life and the world are based on.
dragonez: AS if hollywood was not a commercial beast before
dragonez: Ya I know
dragonez: Lets dace in the old days it was even more about money and of course screwing starletts now they at least get paid better to be screwed
faeriequeene2000: saw a rep. from vermont interviewed the other day and he was saying how ALL media (movies, t.v., newspapers, publishing houses, etc.) are increasing all owned by a very few huge corporations and conglomerates as more and more buy outs occur. very scarey. soon everything we see and read will be controlled by a few.
faeriequeene2000: and congress is trying to pass censorship laws for even pay cable.
faeriequeene2000: of all the things this country has allowed the last 6 years, the increasing censorship is one of those that boggles my mind.
dragonez: I totally agree and even if they own everything I will still provide you with uncensored nonsense of my own mind
dragonez: I don't get the censorship on pay cable either
dragonez: Its just because parents are too lazy to watch their own children
faeriequeene2000: that and the right wing wants to totally control our minds and lives.
dragonez: They can't because my mind just isn't htat corrupt
faeriequeene2000: if this country elects another republican next election i'm moving to another country.
dragonez: I can understand that but it just depends who they put forth against them and if the democratic party can quit apologizing for representing everyone and take a true stand defending their beliefs
faeriequeene2000: exactly. their biggest mistake was being pussys. after all, if the vice president can stand on the floor of the house of representatives and tell a rep. to go fuck himself and he gets reelected, surely the democrats can say, "george bush is a liar."
faeriequeene2000: and every time george or one of his cronies spouts something about the "culture of life" i want punch something.
dragonez: They don't even need to do that they just need to activily support fredom and equality instead of hedging defending themselves
dragonez: Yes you usually want to hit george bush
faeriequeene2000: preferably, but that ain't gonna happen.
dragonez: A judge has cleared the way for a blind couple to open a day care center in Colorado, saying the state's refusal to issue them a license violated the Americans With Disabilities Act.
dragonez: I don't really care that they gave them the license but I could never send my kids to blond daycare
faeriequeene2000: blind, either.
dragonez: Blind daycare although blond can be scary too
dragonez: Of course I don't believe in sending kids to daycare at all
faeriequeene2000: i know. can you imagine taking em and dropping her off where the people responsible for her welfare can't see? makes no sense to me. give them their license, but i can't imagine they'll be in business long.
faeriequeene2000: i agree, but then i was lucky and had parents who watched while i worked.
faeriequeene2000: i was a lucky single parent.
dragonez: I was pretty lucky too I just hd jobs where I brought them along and I think there needs to be much more of that. Children should be part of their parents world not isolated from it
faeriequeene2000: agreed. even though i hate kids.
dragonez: And then there are the annual stupid school News stories
dragonez: - A high school senior who thought it would be funny to wear a dress to his prom was ticketed $249 for disorderly conduct, suspended for three days and banned from his last track meet.
School district administrator Jim Gottinger said the discipline was for more than just the dress, noting Kerry Lofy, 18, was dancing in a sexually provocative manner at the prom, according to a police report.
faeriequeene2000: love that kid.
dragonez: Like anyone cares what they way and as far as suggestive - have they seen their cheerleaders lately
faeriequeene2000: yes, but texas has passed a law banning "sexually suggestive" cheerleading.
faeriequeene2000: we can all look to texas for our moral compass.
faeriequeene2000: or is that moral ass?
dragonez: Ass is much closer to reality and I live here
faeriequeene2000: as bill maher says, those cheerleaders are where our next generation of stippers are trained. are they nuts to ban it???
faeriequeene2000: he did a great tribute to jennifer wilkins (or whatever her name was, the runaway bride) and her "temporary sanity" for running away.
dragonez: I can see that
faeriequeene2000: i have to go to darrel's mother this a.m. to go through all the shit she wants me to put on ebay for her. fun fun.
dragonez: I have to go cut locks and now I have to go exercise as it is that that time
faeriequeene2000: some of these words on scrabble make me chuckle. antiair - does that mean you are against air?
dragonez: well if you add craft and misssile behind it it makes more sense
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