Saturday, June 24, 2006

Lydia's Dreams Are Much Better Than Mine!

FaerieQueene: lydia dreams of screwing russell crowe and i woke this a.m. from a dream i was in a public place picking my nose vigorously (both nostrils at the same time digging away) and couldn't stop. everyone was staring at me. not sure what that means except don't pick your nose in public
Brandy: I hate to admit I am laughing I have never experienced that particular dream before but that sounds like a blog
FaerieQueene: i can't blame you for laughing. i must say it's the first picking my nose dream i can remember having.
Brandy: And you do owe us a blog it has been a while
Brandy: Are you having allergies
Brandy: BEen around too may children
FaerieQueene: yes, but not bad. any children is too many children
FaerieQueene: it wouldn't have been so bad if russell crowe was picking my nose.
Brandy: I can understand that but his fingers are probably a little big for your nose
Brandy: HAve you ever noticed that other fingers just aren't fit for your nose
Brandy: Might be painful
FaerieQueene: well the way i was going at it in my dream the nostrils would have been enlarged enough to handle a sand shovel
FaerieQueene: i'm pretty sure we're made that way so we don't go around picking each other's noses
Brandy: NOt like picking nits thats okay
FaerieQueene: i'll blog if i can just copy and paste this conversation.

BURNING MAN AT 20 / Impossible dream: Pick the nose on 23-foot head / It was a disgusting idea that seemed so simple -- but so far these artists are stumped

FaerieQueene: nits are different. if i have live creatures crawling around on me I don't care WHO picks them
Brandy: I don't care what you blog but someday you have to do a real one

Daily Times - Site Edition

FaerieQueene: gee whiz - i was dreaming about art and didn't even know it
Brandy: Wait til you read the second one
FaerieQueene: and i'm a medical genius and didn't know that either
Brandy: You can copy and paste as long as you put links to those articles
FaerieQueene: no wonder i have chronic fatigue immune deficiency syndrome - i haven't eaten enough boogers in my life time

Dream Moods: Your Dream Symbol Interpretation

Brandy: They cover all the possibilities except picking
FaerieQueene: well damn.


Brandy: Nose
* Instinctive knowledge. It reflects great powers of imagination and creativity, but also difficult relations with a partner. Dream Analyzer

FaerieQueene: "A clogged nose signifies hidden opposition,..." The hidden opposition must be a immense, the way I was digging.
Brandy: This one offers no new interps but I like their opening flash
Brandy: ITs darrells children
Brandy: They are out to get you
FaerieQueene: well duh! I didn't need a dream to tell me that.

Dream of the Month Club - a Member's Story

Brandy: Hubby is leaving me for the bank
FaerieQueene: okay - so my soul wants me to do something about my nose. or maybe it just wants me to dig all the shit out of my life and throw it away. bye hubby!
Brandy: Or maybe it just wants you to kick it out of your worry and annoy pile to the i really don't care pile


Blogger Changeit said...

what is life like there?

9:12 AM  

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