Kelly is a big fat dope part IX
My husband is a moron. I was tired last night from PMS low iron kids whatever. I made dinner and at 8 oclock I told Kelly I was going to go to bed (he came home from work early and took a nap) Kelly then announced he wanted to have sex so I better not fall asleep. I then asked him to put the boys to bed (they were the only ones home) and join me. So he just got annoyed and went up stairs and slept on the couch feeling sorry for himself. Why because he is a chauvenistic moron. Most normal males that actually wanted to have sex would have put the 2 kids in bed. So today he rags on me ands says that he is not going to pay me off to have sex. Yes his status as a big fat moron is forever confirmed as if there was ever even any doubt. Lets disect the sittuation.
I was tired and wanted to sleep
He wanted sex
The kids needed to be put to bed
I thought it was a nice compromise
He should have did it just to be nice
I called him an idiot today to his face well not really I said it on the phone and he was wounded probably because deep down this is what he really thinks of himself and it probably hurt coming from me but he needed to hear it sooner or later. That was because of an entirely different subject all together. By the way forgot to pay fro my grammar class and it's just as well. Probably wouldn't have had time with the kids.
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