Saturday, February 24, 2007

Same old Same Old

It's not that I have no complaints as of late it is just that I have been hesitant to upgrade my blogger account. Lots of new stuff, well not really. But BIG new stuff. I have a 5th child temporaily and she is enchanting, though she has a host of issues too complex for a 7 year old. I am going to start homeschooling lil Kel,hopefully by next week. I don't have anything particularly exciting to spill out. It's the usual for me, well a little more than the usual. I'm feeling in a rut. Getting fatter by the minute. Finally some warm weather here. Yippy. I'm going to homeschool Kelly on the beach. He will count seashells and write in the sand. I just can't wait. We'll walk a mile on the beach for PE.


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