Thursday, July 19, 2007

All Hail The Queen

For those of you privvy to the workings of the Queene's private life, this is the outcome of the Royal Husband Shunning.
After much deliberation, the Queene decided last night that she must be magnanimous, as the peasants and the Consort are rarely as astute and as intelligent as she is and so she must make allowances every now and then. (These allowances will, of course, come at a cost to be determined at a later date and based upon the Queene's whim.) Granted these leniencies also help to foster the illusion that the Queene gives a Royal Rat's Ass.
So, She spoke very harshly to the Consort, informing him of the act of idiocy he displayed the previous evening. The Consort was flabbergasted (or at least was smart enough to pretend to be), claiming to have no clue that the incident had even occured. After he groveled for a while and promised to lick the Queene's *#*!hole the next time they were in the presence of the Consort's family, the Queene deigned to forgive him. (Or at least let him believe he was forgiven, while the transgression will be forever recorded in The Royal Book of Unforgivable Unforgettable Slights.)


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