Saturday, June 16, 2007

When Women Whine - Its usually about MEN

Husband didn't do anything unusual this morning just his normal stupid self

faeriequeene2000: do you guys do breakfast and if so what? i eat things like cheese or hot dogs and veggies, so tell me what you guys want
faeriequeene2000: some days all they have to do is breathe

Dragonlady: Before his sister stayed with us a yea and a 1/2 ago he used to open the store take the first shower etc.

Dragonlady: Cereal toast cheese
Dragonlady: omelettes
Dragonlady: I am not that picky

faeriequeene2000: ha ha ha
Dragonlady: and I dont usually eat it until closer to lunch
faeriequeene2000: - the thought of me cooking an omelette. that is too funny for words

Dragonlady: So we had a talk long ago about how I would like him to start taking the first shower again so I would have morning time to exercise or whatever cause I am a really sucky morning person

faeriequeene2000: and did the talk go well?

Dragonlady: Of course he kept sleeping later and later every day and now I take the first shower every single fucking day because he can't drag his lazy ass into it before 9:30 and I can't last beyond 9:15 since someone actually has to be ready to open at 10

Dragonlady: I do know how to cook
Dragonlady: do not require assistance

Dragonlady: So this morning its 9am I am in the middle of exercising and he comes inside cause it was too hot out to smoke
Dragonlady: I playfully put out that he can take the first shower since he gave me a whatever to my question of whether he came in for the shower or just the cool and he said either way
Dragonlady: SO I said you can take the first shower and I will go back to exercising.
Dragonlady: And he promptly got that look on his face and slammed the microwave putting up his coffee and gave off this stupid bitch I hate you aura I said never mind and went and took the shower because its just easier and I hate that about me - And I hate that he lets me

it gets you no where but i understand. did it for years with my ex

Dragonlady: and it just gets added to list of crappy things he does when he knows I hate them
Dragonlady: I have figured it out if I complain or make him promise it wont happen again it is a sure way to guarantee it does

faeriequeene2000: stopped going to visit my own mother because it was easier than putting up with his mood and his pouting for a week afterward. i was a total idiot.

Dragonlady: Swore on hands and knees not to move me to Texas and especially not to Corpus - Only reason I stayed a the time- He forgets the conversion even took place which wouldn't matter except that I thought at the time he was actually sincere
faeriequeene2000: they are only sincere in the moment. the next moment it means nothing or didn't exist
Dragonlady: I hate morning sex all I get now is morning sex and I don't dare say another word or it will be no sex at all for me which isn't far from the case now anyway.

faeriequeene2000: I'm sure in that moment in time he was sincere

Dragonlady: then there's the morning which wouldn't be so bad but he also naps from 4-6 every day

faeriequeene2000: so you nap from 6-8 or from 2-4.

Dragonlady: so he gets start the latest and quit the earliest and I have tried giving him the 3-4 break which I have even making it 2-4 but then he just sleeps until 6 and I get nothing
Dragonlady: 4-6 would be nice cause I could play with clay and stuff knowing that I don't have to shower and go back to work and morning before showers are nice for the same reasons
Dragonlady: and then there is the music which he has to have playing continuously whether he is here or not
Dragonlady: We have had many talks about this too and it doesn't matter he doesn't think doesn't remember blah blah blah
Dragonlady: I don't care if its on low when he is actually listening to it

But he will turn it on and then leave
Dragonlady: or go outside
Dragonlady: wha the fuck is the point

faeriequeene2000: and do you immediately shut it off when he leaves?
Dragonlady: I moved my computer out of the office and into the living room because I cant stand listening to his games but he wont wear headphones which is why I sit in the garbage

Dragonlady: Sometimes

Dragonlady: usually by then I am fairly acclimated and don't notice
Dragonlady: its early mornings that it bothers me most
Dragonlady: and play mindless games

faeriequeene2000: it's called courtesy and i doubt at his age you are going to get him to change.

Dragonlady: of course he doesn't realize that mindless game has cost me $300 in the last two months
Dragonlady: i would rather have sex
Dragonlady: Okay done ranting

faeriequeene2000: which i have no doubt you wouldn't care at all about if the other things were okay
faeriequeene2000: not the sex - i mean you wouldn't care about the game
faeriequeene2000: you know what i mean

Dragonlady: as I said nothing special and he kept doing the "whats wrong" but it wasn't worth the pout

faeriequeene2000: you can rant anytime. good to know i'm not the only ranter.

Dragonlady: The game is pretty addictive and I do have a compulsive personality when it comes to puzzles

faeriequeene2000: mine has just been a useless pile of shit for months and it's because he's sick and that should make it okay but it doesn't.

Dragonlady: Mine is always sick always has headaches muscle ache and pains I would have to be dying to be noticed in this house

faeriequeene2000: darrel has never been sick, which makes this that much harder to deal with. there was the useless mangled hand for 2 months, then right into the massive sinus infection. it's been a long 5 months and i'm tired.
faeriequeene2000: and i have to go mow. started to at 10:00 and never did and it's only getting hotter and hotter out.

Dragonlady: the fact that he is over weight eats 5000 calories a week in sugar and goes through a carton of cigs is surely not affecting his health at all
Dragonlady: Have fun mowing with I was there
Dragonlady: I would mow for you
Dragonlady: Do you have relish and mustard and ketchup


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