Tuesday, July 17, 2007


It is not healthy to live in a continual state of frustration. Expressing the same nuisances again and again. I wish that you could express your joy as well as you can express the things that torment you. When really your daily torments as continual as they may be are merely trivial. Everyday annoyances that should be expected as part of life. You seem surprised when things do not go your way and brood about and make quite a fuss much like a toddler. Toddlers are inexperienced in these matters so who can blame them when they throw their fits but eventually they learn that these things that vex them so, are but a continual piece of the human experience. I guess some people never learn, perhaps they are incapable,or they enjoy torment and so continue wallowing in it.
I did not mean to be insensitive today when I finally put my foot down and said enough. I said it in my own way, I tried not to negate your feelings.
The basic difference between you and I
When I express glee for the 50th time over the same thing, I gift myself joyx 50 for one experience. When I fuck up I try not to dwell on it, I hold onto it just long enough to feel the negativity and then I let it go or try my very best to. This was not always the case but it is the case now. You on the other hand do the exact opposite so even though we have the exact same experiences you think your life is mostly shit and you cannot catch a break. I hear you time and time again spewing out the same old venom and you think that this will make it go away. You are operating under the belief that the more you express your frustration the less you will have. You are excorsizing it from your soul. Can you see how maybe this is not working for you? Okay so that is my sermon for today. I was preaching to Kelly but he'll never sit in my church. He won't hear my words. Bla Bla Bla, THE END


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