Thursday, July 26, 2007

Dates Boobs And Cages

I had a strong dream memory at 4:00 this morning when Bean the WonderDog woke me up, but it has faded now. All I can remember is the dates June 22nd and June 24th kept being repeated. I have no idea why or by whom. Maybe my dearheart, Ying, can tell me what that means. She seems good at that sort of thing. Of course, she's perfect, so I would expect nothing less. Darrel says it's fine that I love her, so I guess I'll keep him, too.

I am going off alone today to have my breasts fondled by two strange men and a woman I barely know. That sounds like it should be fun, doesn't it? I'm getting lazy, because it would sound like fun to me too if I didn't have to drive two hours to get there and then two hours to get back home.

But, Bean is getting a new cage today and that is well worth the drive. I'm not sure who is more excited about Casa d'Bean - me or Bean. I'm pretty sure it's me. Bean would prefer sleeping in bed with me over her cage. Which may be why she always manages to get there before the night is over. She is very crafty at getting her way. I need to take lessons from Bean. Although I can't say I don't get my way about much around here. I'm pretty spoiled myself.


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