Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Stunted Psyche of the Week

iWon News - Woman Sues Over NYC Pipe Explosion

Okay just to prove I am not totally heartless let me say that my blessing and sympathy is always with families of the NYC Tower Explosion

But and this is a big but. Suing the state because you are suffering from a delayed reaction is not sane. Seek help, move to Kansas, (Stay away from grain silos as they also can explode rather spectacularly or get used to the fact that death is around the corner everyday for each and everyone of us. As the old saying goes, you never see the bullet that gets you.

We are given one life to learn and to teach and to have a good time. Enjoy it, have faith that each death means something in this life. I hope that after the reign of Crazy King George, we will be able to usher in a new era of sanity and the middle path.

For violence breeds violence every time and we need to step back and work together as a planet to find way to improve the lives of everyone in the world so that extremists have fewer recruits and we can have a more peaceful & less fearful life.


Blogger Yang said...

This is called creative profiting by the death of a loved one and the woman should be shunned. We should bring back shunning. It is an inexpensive and very effective form of punishment.

4:54 PM  

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