The Asses In My Life . . .
Background to this story is that we moved out here in the country over six years ago. From day one, all I have wanted is a donkey and a pygmy goat. Don't ask me why, I just knew I wanted them. (And yes - I have had goats before, so knew what I was getting into.) Anyway, I've begged and begged and Darrel's response has always been, "No. What the hell do we need them for?" This has been really surprising, since in over 12 years together he has never said no to me about anything, so I took it that this was something he was really adamantly against. (Which, of course, still didn't stop me from bringing it up continually and getting the same response continually.) Over the 6 years, however, he has managed to accumulate his small herd of cows and calves with no comments by me.
Anyway, about a couple of months ago my daughter Janelle called and said, "Mom - have I got a deal for you!" A friend of hers who raises both regular horses and mini horses had decided to quit doing it as a "hobby" and go into business. This meant she no longer had the time for "extra" animal care and maintenance. She had a donkey she rescued from a BLM roundup 6 years ago and wanted only to find a good home for him with someone who would have the time to give him the attention he deserves and craves. There were only 2 stipulations - if for any reason the people who took him could no longer care for him or just didn't want him anymore, he was to be returned to her, AND whoever took him also had to take his bosom buddy, lifetime companion - a pygmy nanny goat! Needless to say, I screamed a resounding, "YES!"
Last week we made the 4 hour (1 way) trip to get them and I am now the happy owner of one darling donkey and the best behaved goat I've ever met. And, of course, the entire 8 hour trip (and the 2 hours we were there) Darrel did nothing but moan and bitch about this donkey and goat.
Janelle and her two kids were at Amy's house for the day so we all got to have a nice visit before returning home with our new family members. Cj (my 6 year old grandson) decided to come home with us to spend a couple of days. I had made some tenative plans for Cj and I to do some things, in the event that he did come home with us. It was Thursday evening when we all arrived home and placed Ears and Nanny (hey - they are the names they came with!) in their new abode.
Friday a.m. Cj and I got up, did some chores, and decided to go to Wichita (an hour and a half from me)for the day and night. We went shopping, went to a movie, and spent the night in a hotel. Saturday a.m. we got up and spent the day at a cool place in Wichita called Exploration Place, and then we went another hour or so north to meet up with his mom and sister so Cj could go home with them.
We have had a horribly horribly dry year here with virtually no moisture. This means, of course, that here in May we are still having to grain and hay our cows, since the pastures are as dry as popcorn farts and this has been a big worry for us. Well, Friday a.m., as Cj and I were heading out to Wichita, it began to pour buckets. I spoke with Darrel several times on my cell phone throughout the day, whining and complaining that of course it's going to rain now since I just got my donkey home and he is in his "temporary" home of the corral until he gets acclimated and can be let out into pastures. This means he currently can not get into the barn or any other shelter. (Yes, I know he's a donkey and it won't kill him, but I was still upset about it.)
Update - the above was written over a year ago and I just found it in my attempt to clean out my drafts. So, today I am going to put a quick end to the story and post it.
The gist of the story is it turns out my husband went out in the pouring rain and "Mickey Mouse'ed" a set up where the donkey could get into a section of the barn, and then he took a blow drier out there and blow dried my donkey!! (Getting kicked several times in the process.) Ya' gotta love a man who will risk losing a nut to dry your donkey, that he didn't want in the first place.
Got to love a man that will blow dry your ass!
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