Sunday, July 22, 2007

Life's Highway a dream

I have a reoccurring theme dream. The dream I had lastnight is sort of in the same vein. Sometimes I dream that I am driving and I have no breaks. I never get into any serious accidents I just can't stop when I want to. Sometimes I dream that I am either walking or riding my bike on a highway along with many others. We are on a journey together and I do not know where the road leads because we never arrive. We are always traveling. My dream starts out with my driving city streets and not being able to slow down. Then I am walking the highway again, the different thing about the dream this time is that I see a handwritten sign that says, "This is your road." I've never seen that sign before and was never quite sure that I was going the right way.


Blogger Yang said...

This means now that we have found each other again, you are on the right path.

9:46 AM  

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