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Friday, January 04, 2008
I am drinking a cup of tea and thinking of you. I can't help it if everyone else sucks but us. I suspect it some times and I know I vocalized this to you. It certainly does feel that way at times. I wish everyone could be like you, love me the way that you do, be everything you are for me. Even though the world is filled with people unwilling or able to love or be loved. I have decided that they do not really suck, they are just inept. Too stuck on and inside themselves to venture out and really love or live or be honest with other people and their self. Okay some of those people do suck, I can think of at least a few. We can't expect these people to be human let alone live up to Ying, Yang standards. (Which really aren't that high so those people really do suck for not meeting them because obviously they are morally corrupt or spiritually defunct or have some such deficit which prevents them from attaining our warm regards) Brandy told me to cheer you up, I don't think this is what she meant.
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