Monday, February 08, 2010

Wow, that felt real!

So I woke up at 3am this morning from a horrible dream. I was escaping from my ex husband and was driving this car recklessly threw an open corn field. Finally he caught up with me and threatened with me with a gun. I told him, "Go ahead! Shoot me! I give up!" And he did. He shot me right in between my eyes. I felt the sharp pain in my skull. I felt my limbs go numb. My head felt light. I fell to the ground and I felt as if the life was quickly draining out of me. And then I died. It felt so real! Now, I imagine thats what dying feels like. It was as if my soul was escaping my body and floating up into the air. Into nothing.


Blogger Brandy said...

scary shit cleo

9:18 PM  

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