Monday, December 13, 2010

One and Counting.

Our little Miss Emily lost her first tooth on Saturday night. She has had a few that were rather loose the last month or so. Saturday night she came up and said that it was going to fall out that night. Like any good mom a gave it the wiggle test and it did not appear to be going very far so i let her know it would be a few more days. She left the room sad but again told me it would be gone TONIGHT! Not one min later she came in screaming that the tooth had blood in it. Apearently unhappy with my few days respones she felt the need to push on it as hard as she could. I was lucky enough to have the master of teeth pulling just in the other room awaiting to yank it out the rest the way. Papa did an exelent job and Emily excaimed after freaking out about the blood. "See mom I TOLD you it was coming out TONIGHT!!! She is so my mothers grandchild.

Memorys - Tonight emily got upset about not being able to think of anything, but once she got started she kept going. I told Emily about the morning she was born. We all know that mom loved that little girl more then any of the rest of us and was more excited than all of us combined. She was such a good new born. I got to hold her for a long time with not a peep from her. Then i tossed her off to Mike and she was just as good. We could tell mom was about to bust if we made her wait any longer so we passed miss em to her. The moment we did she burst in to tears. Emily will forever be the only baby that crys when mom held her. Mike was happy to toss in the fact that Mom and him decided that night that hospitals needed to invest in better chairs. As i was the one in labor a felt little sympathy for their pain in the hard chiars for 18 hours. OOO how i have paid for that over the last year. Emilys memory was about when moms house recently flooded. She remembered much of the crazyness that took place that day. I also reminded EMily of the day when mom, her and papa all went to the park. It started to rain when they got there and mom told Emily that unless she made the rain go away that they would not be able to play. No sooner then Emily getting mad and telling the rain to go away did it pack up and run away. Mom always thought she was a weather witch and this just put it in stone as far as she was concerned.

I have also discovered while every one lost someone (a friend, child, mother, wife sister) when mom died. I lost two people my mom and my best friend. We took em to the park today. It's a very nice park but as em ran off to play and Mike and Dad chatted away I very much relized how alone I was. It has always been me and mom to chat while the others ran off to play. On the way home we pasted a Hong Kong Food Store. All i could think was i could not wait to go shoping with mom and all the good things we could bring home to eat. I didnt say anything, but dad said "o god the things your mother would try to feed me from there.


Blogger Yang said...

And don't forget the Christmas of snow in Corpus Christi that your weather witch gave you!
I used to put in special requests to Brandy to pass on to Em. At one point when we had a really bad drought for over a year she said she was going to have Em pour water over Kansas on a globe. I don't know if she did or not, but we finally got rain!
So glad to hear your dad is getting out and about and starting to talk about your mom. I can't imagine how much pain he's in, but talking about her will help him, even if it doesn't feel like it to him right now.

7:15 AM  
Blogger babydragon said...

Well all three got out and chanted for rain and we had a plastic ball that was a globe and poured water on it. Yup I do remember that lol. And now I have my memory for tonight.

7:33 AM  
Blogger Ying said...

What did the tooth fairy bring to exchange for the precious pear from Em's mouth? Jewels, a dragons egg perhaps?

10:22 AM  
Blogger Ying said...

Pearl I meant to write pearl. I guess I am thinking about food.

2:16 PM  
Blogger Yang said...

I read pear and thought it made perfect sense as pear, not pearl.

9:07 PM  
Blogger babydragon said...

while i wish i had time to think of somthing good like any of them things. However I thought i still had a few days and she got a simple 75 cents. She was happy with it so that is good enough for me =)

9:26 PM  
Blogger babydragon said...

while i wish i had time to think of somthing good like any of them things. However I thought i still had a few days and she got a simple 75 cents. She was happy with it so that is good enough for me =)

9:26 PM  

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