Tuesday, May 08, 2012

I really need to stop watching old episodes of Medium on Netflix

DREAM 1I was with law enforcement and we were searching for something in a swamp. I heard someone say,"This is interesting, we found an arm."They began trying to pull a woman with long blonde hair out of the water but she was stuck among the plant like growth. Her body looked dead but not decomposed, I kept staring at her and I would get flashes of her alive in the water. She was murmuring something but I couldn't make it out. I could see that she was lying on a file box and papers were spilling out of it. I couldn't discern anything on the papers though. I felt more like an observer and less like a participant in this dream.

 There was a women in my house, she looked like my nephews wife. I believe that she was living with us. Kelly was teaching her how to calk the shower. He was praising her but she was doing a pretty crappy job in my opinion. I was jealous of her. I knew Kelly was sleeping with her. Apparently she was one of my coworkers because she complained about something that I did at work. I said somethimg nasty to the both of them stormed off into my room and cried like a baby.


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