Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Typical Old lady IM

The below is an actual conversation - the only changes are a quick
spell check - Do we have an exciting life or what

faeriequeene2000: yes, it really sucks. Wide
awake at 4 or 5. I have to work tomorrow so I probably won't be able to wake

faeriequeene2000: good you got out of it.

faeriequeene2000: drinking a glass of wine in hopes that will help. Instead
it will probably make me have to get up and pee at 4 or 5

dragonez: I do that alot now adays myself

faeriequeene2000: me too. More
and more all the time. It sucks. Big time.

dragonez: Want a new online game to obsess over

faeriequeene2000: joanne is having surgery next week because of it. She had
a hysterectomy years ago too. All the innards tend to start sagging with age
when there's nothing in there anymore. Having her bladder put back up where
it belongs. Something else I have to look forward to. Yes. Then I can have 1
more excuse not to blog.

faeriequeene2000: 2 degrees here at the moment.

dragonez: It is cold here to it is down to 47

faeriequeene2000: grouted the floor yesterday. Love it. Darryl loves it too.
said he wishes we could do the whole house with it. At least he said that until
we grouted. Now says if we ever build a house (which we never will) that's what
we'll have. Only got up to 22 all day, so 47 sounds pretty damned good

dragonez: Personally it was cold and wet and windy and if it were 2 I would
have an excuse to take the cloak out of the closet

faeriequeene2000: save the cloak for our Christmas spiriting.

dragonez: the it will be very long because I will be a stooped over hunchback
from staring at this stupid puzzle for too long upstairs

faeriequeene2000: I will be stooped over from age and life-sucking children.
which means I'll be able to pass for a gnome

dragonez: That could work for both of us

faeriequeene2000: April still with the boyfriend? Is she getting plump?

dragonez: Plumper by the minute, Pretty soon we will have to baste her

dragonez: Still with boyfriend he is behaving and they are looking a t a house

faeriequeene2000: know what it will be yet?

dragonez: I am going to blog this whole conversation and then go to bed. I will
title typical Old lady IM

dragonez: I am guessing girl

dragonez: Considering Emily or Madison Marie

faeriequeene2000: we've had much better conversations. But it's typical. goodnight!
love you. I like both. I can pretend the Marie is after me.


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