Vampires - and such
Yes! It's really me! I figured I better write something (even if it be worthless drivel) before I'm kicked out of the blog circle! I have absolutely nothing of note to report. I seem to be stuck in a stationary vacuum this week. One of those spells where I have LOTS to do and LOTS of time to do it (happens so rarely one would think I'd take advantage of it) and less than NO interest or ambition to do any of it. I just seem to spends endless amounts of time drinking coffee (decaf, of course), smoking and watching the clock progress through the day. Hate when I get like this, but I know it will pass eventually. Decided I don't work well with having the time to do the things I need to do. Pressure makes diamonds and with no pressure I sit here like a lump of coal waiting for my "becoming."
I love the idea of misfit vamps and know exactly when I would NOT want to be turned. RIGHT NOW!! Let's see...30 pounds overweight, in the worst possible physical shape I've ever been in terms of strength, flexibility, etc., worst haircut since high school, 3 weeks past the point of being in desperate need of a dye job . . . Yes - if Lestat visits tonight, I'll ask him to come back in a couple of months and give me time to work on myself.
That's definitely an early version of Smoking Police, but has the essence of Brandy in it, so why change it??
Since it looks like we are staying here (no one seems to be bummed by that idea but me - I suffer alone) I've decided to start doing some minor things around here. Finally finished the painting, put up the new light/ceiling fan in the living room, and had a corner hutch that's been sitting in the barn for 2 years dragged in and I painted it. Next big project is painting the living and dining room floors. (A constant point of contention between Darrel and I as he wants wall to wall carpet again and I refuse - nasty old damp house in the country - NO wall to wall!!!) But, the floors won't get painted real soon - the high today is 24 degrees and painting the hutch in the closed up house the other day gave me a migraine so bad I wanted to put a knife into my forehead.
Speaking of which, I empathize with the no MSG search. When Janelle was a freshman in high school we discovered she's allergic to it and it took me MONTHS of reading labels (and shopping excursions of 3-4 hours instead of 1) to be able to buy groceries. Since by then we had moved to small town Kansas, needless to say it was quite a chore. I've slacked off since she moved away, but whenever she comes to visit I have to go on a MSG-free hunt for food while she is here.
Here's a sentence for you to work on, B. "Can you come in early?" It's been the bane of my existence lately, since my sister never knows what she's doing from hour to hour and every time the phone rings I can assume it's her changing my plans for that day or the next. And oddly enough, as I was typing this, the phone rang and guess what - Oh yeah! It was her wanting to know if I'd come to work tomorrow a.m. to open. (Needless to say I wasn't supposed to work again until next Tuesday night.) Well, I'm not really complaining, as it will definitely be better than spending my day sitting here only thinking about the things I should be doing instead of doing them.
Am getting excited about my trip to San Antonio next month. Having Derek with me will be fun and of course I can't wait to see Cj - the song in my heart and the light in my days. Jaden McKenzie doesn't even know me, but it will be fun to start getting to know her. I find I'm even looking forward to seeing Janelle, which either means she's growing up or I am. I hope it's not me.
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